Police Reform and Reinvention Collaborative
On June 12, 2020, Governor Cuomo issued an Executive Order concerning policing reforms which requires the chief executive of each local government to convene the head of the local police agency, and stakeholders in the community to develop a reform plan.
The Governor’s Executive Order required that the chief executives consult with the following stakeholders at a minimum:
- Membership and leadership of the local police force;
- Members of the community with emphasis in areas with high numbers of police and community interactions;
- Interested non-profit and faith-based community groups;
- The local office of the district attorney;
- The local public defender; and
- Local elected officials.
The City of Corning in partnership with the Steuben County Sherriff’s Office conducted an extensive public engagement process to collect input from stakeholder groups and the general public. This engagement was conducted via surveys, and public/private listening sessions with citizens, law enforcement agencies, and elected officials. Using this input, the City of Corning and Steuben County Sheriff’s Office published a draft reform plan for public comment which was revised based on public input. The final plan which was ratified by the City Council includes 35 action items across 5 key themes: Equality & Social Justice; Transparency & Accountability; Community Relations; Training; and Policies & Procedures.
As the City makes progress implementing the reforms in the plan, we will periodically provide updates on the Tracking Document posted below.